Miles Judd
Academic Background
DPhil Engineering Science
Business Impact Lab
Harnessing Data for Sustainable Production
Case Study
Engineering Sustainable Solutions at BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford


At the intersection of academia and industry, Miles Judd, a third-year DPhil student in Engineering Science, is spearheading research that could reshape sustainable manufacturing. As a member of the 2023-2024 Oxford SDG Impact Lab, Miles is conducting groundbreaking research at the BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford, focusing on harnessing data to revolutionise sustainable production practices. 

"While having a general interest in sustainable development, I wanted to get a more holistic picture of the challenges addressed in the SDGs," Miles explains, reflecting on his motivation to join the Lab program. His academic focus on novel building material identification techniques using Digital Image Correlation laid a strong foundation for his foray into industrial sustainability research. 

The Lab's masterclass series proved to be a transformative experience for Miles. "Engaging with leading academics on the latest research in sustainable development was incredibly insightful and definitely a weekly highlight," he enthuses. These sessions, coupled with peer interactions, broadened his perspectives beyond his field of expertise and prepared him for the challenges ahead. 

Through his research at BMW Group, Miles gained valuable insights into the complexities of sustainable manufacturing in the automotive industry. His experience highlighted the intricate balance between innovation and practical implementation. "I learned about the various factors influencing energy consumption in different stages of production," Miles shares. "Transitioning to more sustainable practices often involves complex considerations beyond just replacing equipment." 

This realisation underscored the multifaceted nature of sustainability challenges in the industry. It also reinforced Miles's belief in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. "Working with industry partners is crucial for driving a sustainable transition," he asserts. "These partnerships bridge the gap between theoretical research and real-world application." 

The Lab experience has solidified Miles's commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. Looking ahead, he aspires to pursue a career that leverages advanced engineering techniques to promote sustainable industrial practices and address global environmental challenges. 

To future participants, Miles offers this advice: "Planning every detail of your project isn't always possible, so it's crucial to view the entire process as a learning experience. Be ready to adapt and iterate as you go." 

Miles's journey at the Oxford SDG Impact Lab, characterised by his words as "motivating, insightful, and passionate," exemplifies the power of combining academic rigour with real-world industry challenges. As he continues his pursuit of sustainable solutions, Miles Judd stands as a testament to the transformative potential of programs that bridge the gap between theory and practice in the quest for a more sustainable future.