Dorcas Tuitoek
Academic Background
DPhil in Engineering Science
Business Impact Lab, 2023-2024
Role of Hydrogen at BMW Group & Lowering Scope 3 emissions
Case Study
Dorcas Tuitoek: Bridging Academia and Industry for Industrial Decarbonisation 


At the intersection of innovative research and industrial innovation stands Dorcas Tuitoek, a DPhil student in Engineering Science with a laser focus on industrial decarbonisation. Her journey through the Oxford SDG Impact Lab exemplifies the power of bridging academic expertise with real-world industrial challenges. Her research, centred on steel industry decarbonisation, positions her at the forefront of efforts to tackle one of the most pressing issues in sustainable development. 

The SDG Impact Lab offered Dorcas a unique opportunity to translate her academic pursuits into practical solutions. "Oxford's SDG Impact Lab appealed to me because of its interdisciplinary approach to challenges and its intentional focus on bridging the gap between academia and the business world," she reflects. This alignment with her goals to integrate research and industrial practice made the Lab an ideal platform for growth. 

Working with BMW Group Mini Plant Oxford, Dorcas delved into the role of hydrogen and strategies for lowering Scope 3 emissions from associate commutes. Dorcas shares "It was exciting to explore topics like hydrogen, which is relatively new and promising in most industries." The collaboration with industry partners reinforced Dorcas's belief in the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork. "It was fascinating to see how our diverse ideas came together during brainstorming sessions," she notes; highlighting how diverse perspectives, academic research and industrial application can lead to stronger, more innovative solutions. 

Dorcas's engagement with BMW Group not only enhanced her understanding of industrial processes but also provided a real-world context for her research on decarbonisation. "This experience significantly deepened my understanding and appreciation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their real-world applications," she reflects. It bridged the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation, illuminating the concrete steps companies are taking to achieve sustainability goals. 

Looking ahead, Dorcas plans to leverage her SDG Impact Lab experience to forge closer collaborations with industries as she continues her DPhil studies. "I am particularly interested in working on joint projects with industrial partners, leveraging the insights and experiences gained from the program to drive impactful, real-world solutions," she states. As she moves forward, Dorcas embodies the Lab's mission of nurturing leaders who can effectively bridge the gap between academic research and industrial innovation, driving sustainable development in the world's most challenging sectors.