Partner: BMW MINI Plant Oxford
Programme: BMW MINI Plant Oxford Fellowship Programme 2024
Fellows: Reema Mohamed, Paula Camino Morgada, Abulhakeem Abdulkareem, Aastha Mohapatra

Research Aims and Rationale
In 2023, the SDG Impact Lab x MINI Plant Oxford Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team developed a CSR evaluation tool to assess the input and impact of CSR activities undertaken by the BMW Group’s Plants at Oxford and Swindon. This year’s team focused on further improving the evaluation tool (Excel Calculator) and enhancing its post-activity impact analysis. These efforts were informed by impact analysis and research conducted to understand the impact of CSR initiatives undertaken in recent years. The insights were used to create recommendations on how to streamline CSR initiatives and further enhance their local impact in the future.
These efforts were driven by two main questions: ‘What does the MINI Plant stand for?’ and ‘Who should the MINI Plant’s CSR efforts focus on?’ Underlying these were a motivation to ensure that CSR initiatives undertaken by the Plant are impactful, meaningful, and promoted relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project promoted a number of SDGs, in particular SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals.
Research Approach
We used a mixed methodology including desk study, key informant interviews, and questionnaire. During Phase 1, we conducted desk research on global CSR trends, industry specific trends, UK / Oxford policies, and acquired contextual clarity from the team’s mentors at BMW Group. Based on desk research and initial discussions with the leadership at the Plants, it was observed that there was scope to improve the Excel Calculator, to make it more user-friendly, and enhance its post-activity impact analysis aspect in particular. Moreover, it was understood that the Plants would like to introduce a structured framework to direct its CSR activities - in alignment with BMW Group’s global guidelines, as well as the priorities of the local community.
During Phase 2, surveys and interviews were conducted to further understand what CSR means to leadership and employees at the Plant, as well as key stakeholders from the immediate and wider community. During Phase 3, we synthesised the insights from these phases in order to conduct a social impact analysis, create a localised CSR guide, and make improvements to the Calculator.
Key Findings and Outputs
We provided an overview of CSR and its impact on the community, and proposed definitions for ‘community’ and ‘impact’ in a manner that encourages effective participation and maximum impact through Corporate Social Responsibility activities. We simplified the CSR calculator focusing on usability, accessibility and efficiency. Similarly, we created a localised CSR strategy for the MINI Plants, which has been incorporated into the updated Calculator. We also outlined how the impact of CSR efforts have been mapped in the industry, to propose an impact evaluation template that Plants Oxford and Swindon can use in the future, along with guidelines for effective monitoring and evaluation. Finally, we provided recommendations on how to improve upon these efforts even further in the future.
- Figure 2 – Infographic of findings/graph/something to communicate the key findings quickly and easily

Implications and Applications
Along with practical short-term recommendations on how to implement the localised CSR Strategy and streamline the use of the Calculator, we also propose long-term recommendations for consideration by the Plants. For instance, we acknowledged that the dynamic nature of the CSR landscape, with constantly evolving community needs, necessitates regular monitoring and evaluation, and possibly updating the CSR framework in the future.
The progress achieved through this project marks a significant step forward in aligning BMW Group Plants Oxford and Swindon’s CSR initiatives with both global standards and local community expectations. The newly developed localised CSR Guide and the updated CSR Calculator will be instrumental in driving more effective and sustainable CSR activities that aligns with the SDGs. This project’s emphasis on incorporating stakeholder feedback and addressing identified challenges has laid a foundation for continuous improvement, while the proposed Recommendations offer a strategic pathway to adapting to the dynamic CSR landscape. As the Plants continue to evolve their CSR efforts, these insights and tools will be crucial in fostering meaningful and sustainable community impact.