What we do

The Local Policy Lab is a new alliance between the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University and Oxfordshire County Council that aims to promote relationships and bridge the gap between research and local policy.

The Local Policy Lab's development is an initiative that will build meaningful and long-lasting connections between local public policy actors, communities and academic researchers

Why we do it

The University of Oxford’s ambitions to do more in the local community and to strengthen links and coordination with the county, city and district councils are stronger than ever. The Local Policy Lab aims to inform evidence-based policymaking in Oxfordshire and address health and climate inequalities locally.

The Local Policy Lab aims to:
  • Connect University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes researchers with County and District Council policymakers, local volunteer and charity organisations, and with communities to support evidence-based public policy in key areas, initially focusing on health and climate policy, and;
  • create opportunities for graduate students, supervised by academics and county officers, to work on existing datasets, collect new qualitative data, and undertake impact evaluations.

Local Policy Lab Fellowship 2024

The Local Policy Lab ran a pilot Fellowship Programme in partnership with the Oxford SDG Impact Lab and the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division. In its first year, the Local Policy Lab Fellowship Programme paired 19 Oxford graduate students with a policy partner to conduct research in the areas of climate and health. Research projects spanned from topics on green social prescribing to decarbonising local schools. 

You can read more about the projects here

Local Policy Lab Fellowship 2025

The Local Policy Lab Fellowship Programme will be launching the second cohort of the programme later this year. This year’s Local Policy Lab Fellowship will be open to both University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University students.

Please note the application for Oxford Brookes students will open later this year.

Get in touch

If you are a researcher or policy professional and you have a research or policy project that could benefit from the Local Policy Lab's involvement, please contact partnerships@socsci.ox.ac.uk