
Innovative Waste Practices: Closing the Loop on Waste within the Food and Beverage Industry with Rosetta Restaurant


Our SDG Impact Lab Fellows Amy Booth and Buntu Fanteso's latest stop in their research to develop a harmonised environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework for tourism was Michelin Star restaurant, Rosetta. Located in Mexico City, Rosetta is run by Chef Elena Reygadas, whose vision is to offer customers sustainable meals, using Mexico’s abundant produce for inspiration. 

Fellows are shown the refuge and recycle area
Kitchen staff preparing food
Fellows looking at catering Items in container

Here are some highlights from the fellows' visit to Rosetta Restaurant:

  • Sustainable Sourcing and Seasonal Menus: Chef Elena prepares menus based on the seasonality and availability of ingredients, rejecting out-of-season production that promotes monoculture and unsustainable agricultural practices.
  • Renewable Energy and Water Conservation: The restaurant is equipped with solar panels and water filtration systems, demonstrating a commitment to renewable energy and water conservation. 
  • Innovative Waste Management: Rosetta’s waste management practices are exemplary. They have a policy of respecting food and utilising all parts of a product. For instance, banana peels are fried and used to make traditional Mexican mole, avocado seeds are turned into flour, and scrap fruit parts are fermented into beverages used in the restaurant's bar. Any food waste that cannot be reused is converted into biomass energy. 
  • Plastic Reduction and Waste Segregation: Beyond food waste, Rosetta avoids plastic where possible, using reusable alternatives to cook with and store food. They separate all waste and send different waste products to the relevant waste management processes – recycling, reprocessing, or converting to energy. 


The Rosetta team highlighted the critical need for a unified ESG Framework in the tourism industry, which would offer clear guidelines for companies to measure, report, and address sustainability issues. The insights gathered from Rosetta Restaurant's innovative sustainability practices will play a pivotal role in shaping this framework. Rosetta's holistic approach to sustainability sets a strong example, helping to establish standards to promote sustainable tourism.

Follow along as they uncover insights from the next destination The Rainforest Lodge at Sleeping Giant

Kitchen staff talking through prep
Kitchen staff preparing food
Kitchen staff cutting a pastry