
BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford has collaborated for a second year with Oxford University’s SDG Impact Lab to develop fresh insights into sustainable practices at the Plant. 

This year, 13 postgraduates have worked together in interdisciplinary teams to undertake field research at the Plant in four areas: Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence (A.I), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Leadership and Culture. 

These areas feed into BMW's strategic framework for the future of Plant Oxford which identifies key research questions about how the Plant's operations can be more sustainable, resource-efficient and circular, and also explores the active use of digitalisation and A.I. The BMW Fellows also researched behavioural and cultural change, and leadership development within the organisation, and worked on enhancing a CSR Framework developed in a previous project.

BMW Group Selfie 1_6 Fellows
BMW group with sdg logo
BMW Group Selfie 2_ 3 Fellows