Who are we?

Founded in 2021, the SDG Impact Lab was built on the conviction that Oxford’s graduate students have the potential to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and lead transformative change on both a local and global scale.

Our unique curriculum and programme integrates theory, ethics and practical skills, and is designed to equip students to lead transformative and sustainable change.

We enable students, recruited as Lab Fellows, to work with businesses and non-academic organisations to develop innovative, research-based solutions to the mounting environmental and social challenges facing the world today. Our Lab Fellows test and translate creative ideas into actionable proposals that have real, measurable impact. 

Fellows at BMW
SDG wheel with partnership for the goals in the centre. The other goals surround the central point
What are the sustainable goals?

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are a resounding call for action by all countries to form an active, global partnership and progress the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet, the agenda was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.

"We cannot choose between growth and sustainability – we must have both."

Paul Polman - business leader, climate and equalities campaigner
team photo

“The SDGs are a call to action for businesses, governments, Universities and individuals. They provide a framework for our students and partners to collectively deliver solutions to challenges in areas such as sustainable business operations, climate change, social impact and corporate responsibility, which organisations and institutions all over the world are being urged to consider” 

Alex Betts – co-founder, the SDG Impact Lab