Reema Mohamed
Academic Background
MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy
Business Impact Lab, 2023-2024
BMW Group Corporate Social Responsibility
Case Study
Reema Mohamed: Bridging Diplomacy and Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Development 

Impactful. Insightful. Transformative. These three words encapsulate Reema Mohamed's experience with the Oxford SDG Impact Lab's Community Impact Lab. With nearly a decade of experience in diplomacy and advocacy, Reema brought a wealth of knowledge to her role as an MSc student in Global Governance and Diplomacy. 

"I was drawn to the Lab programme because of its unique approach to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals by fostering collaborations between academia and industry partners," Reema explains. This curiosity led her to a transformative project with BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford's Corporate Social Responsibility team. 

The Lab's masterclass series proved instrumental in preparing Reema for her fieldwork. 

 "The interactive nature of the masterclasses encouraged critical thinking and out-of-the-box problem-solving, along with the enhancement of practical skills," she reflects. These sessions laid the groundwork for her impactful collaboration with BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford. 

Working alongside BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) team, Reema gained invaluable insights into community engagement and the practical challenges of implementing corporate sustainability strategies. She emphasises, "I learned about the importance and value of aligning corporate initiatives with local community needs, particularly to promote relevant SDGs." 

A highlight of Reema's experience was conducting primary research within the local community. "It was really meaningful to get to speak to the local community and hear their insights," she shares. This hands-on approach culminated in a presentation to BMW Group MINI Plant Oxford's senior leadership, where Reema's team saw their recommendations enthusiastically received. 

Reema's experience in the Oxford SDG Impact Lab has reinforced her commitment to sustainable practices and inspired her to explore new opportunities in advancing the SDGs. "This experience has deepened my understanding and appreciation of the SDGs by demonstrating examples of their real-world applications," she reflects. As Reema moves forward, she carries with her valuable insights on interdisciplinary collaboration and industry partnerships. Her journey exemplifies how the Lab empowers participants to bridge theory and practice, preparing them to drive meaningful change in the field of sustainable development. For Reema and future participants alike, the Lab isn't just a programme—it's a launchpad for impactful, insightful, and transformative careers which can continue to advance the SDGs.