Are you an Oxfordshire-based charity, community organisation, social enterprise or business who could benefit from some world-class research expertise to help you increase your impact in the community? 


Are you an organisation who is working to tackle broad issues of inequality in Oxfordshire? 


We are now seeking partners for our next Community Impact Lab programme, bringing together interdisciplinary teams of graduate researchers with inspiring local organisations tackling inequality in Oxfordshire.


Please ensure you have read the information below before filling out the Expression of Interest form at the bottom of the page.

What we're looking for: 


  • Partners who are well established in the community and are working broadly to address issues of inequality in Oxfordshire. This could be in varied ways such as improved educational or employment opportunities, accessing health or housing provision, to better provision of quality food and wellbeing support. We want to work with partners who are actively striving to make Oxfordshire a more inclusive place in which to live and work.


  • Partners who have an area of their work that would benefit from the input of some substantive research.


  • Partners with capacity to provide some mentorship and opportunities for the students to connect with and better understand the communities living in and around Oxford. 


What we can provide: 


For each of the projects we will assign a group of two to three graduate students that we believe would best fit the scope of the project. In the past our students have created digital dashboards, literature reviews, stakeholder & data analysis, surveys, focus groups, and many other forms of impact research. We will work with you to scope out a project and how best we think we can leverage our students' skills for your research topic.

Examples of past research projects include: 

Oxfordshire Inclusive Economies Partnership - Mapping Oxfordshire's Community Hubs

Low Carbon Hub - Decarbonising Oxford College

Oxford City Football Club - The Goal is Green


What is involved: 


There is no cost to be part of the programme. What we do ask is for your availability to provide light touch support and mentorship to the student teams. 




A programme timeline with key dates is outlined below. Please note this is subject to change: 

  • Expression of Interest open: 2nd October 
  • Expression of interest close: Midnight on 6th November 
  • Scoping calls: 14th, 18th & 20th November 
  • Final partner decisions: 26th November
  • Project explore session: evening of 11th February 
  • Project accelerator session: 24th April 
  • Research field lab (student full time work): 16th June - 4th July 
  • Final showcase: 4th July 


Expressions of interest:  


We hope that being a Community Impact partner will be an excellent experience and bring plenty of benefits to your organisation. If you have any questions about being a prospective partner, the application process or in general about the programme then please get in touch with our programme manager Oliver Cook: 


Register your expression of interest here before the 6th November 


Expression of interest form


The Community Impact Lab is generously supported by funding from the University of Oxford's ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)